Life is filled with uncertainty, isn’t it?  Health, finances, and relationships— the list goes on and on.  These are the ‘what-ifs’ in life when we look to the future which can also create the ‘only-if-I had’ glances backwards.

Our lesson today will introduce two types of hope. And there is only one hope which will not disappoint.

So we live with uncertainty and it creates anxiety and worry which in turn steals our peace and comfort. We begin to doubt God’s goodness and His promises and we waver in our faith. I want to learn and I want you to learn how to shut the door on doubt which automatically shuts off wavering.

This is not the type of life God wants us to live. Now in order to shut the door on worry- we must know and identify the source of our worry.

FEAR:  The key to overcoming fear is faith in God’s Word. Fear is a reaction, a response to a stressful situation. This fear can be caused by a variety of things. Whatever the cause of our fear, the problem is our focus. Focus on God’s Word, His promises. Focus on Philippians 4- where we are told to anxious for nothing.  When you got saved, you became a child of God. The most wonderful name we can call Him is Father. (If you had a good earthly father, like I did, you knew you could trust his promise. If you had a problem, and he told you he would take care of the problem. You went to bed and slept soundly on the pillow of your earthly father’s promise. How much more you can trust your Heavenly Father!)  It is His business as our Father to care for us. Father God asks of us to let Him know when we need anything and leave the supplying and timing to Him. He assures us when we do this, the “peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds.”  This is why we are told to seek Him first.

DOUBT:  This is another root of anxiety and worry and fear. The key to peace and contentment in this situation is to trust in God’s way. Proverbs 3: 5, 6 tells us to trust the Lord in all our ways. Do not place your trust in anything else but Him.

CONTROL:   We all have the tendency to try to control the situations around us and our families. But control is an illusion. Control gives us a false sense of security that we can control life’s situations and avoid trouble. And since you cannot – it causes fear, worry, anxiety and doubt.  The key to overcoming control is to surrender your will to God.

WHAT’S IN YOUR WALLET?  We hear this ad all the time on television. Let me ask you: WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART?  “ For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. (Romans 8:5)  “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry, ABBA FATHER!”

I must take any thought which exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor 10)   God as supplied us with the weapons for pulling down these strongholds.  Used to smoke? Hard to quit, but once you quit you refuse to smoke again. Used to drink- get drunk like I did? You quit drinking, gave it up and refused to do it even when tempted.

Trust God to keep you trusting in Him.