Acts 19

Acts 19: Blood, Sweat, Toil and Tears I want to remind you of what Evan Roberts, a principal in the Wales revival of 1904, stated as pre-requisites for revival. There were four: Confess all known sin, receiving forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ. Remove anything from your life you are in doubt about or unsure … Read more

Acts 18

Acts 18:  A Time of Transitions Transition is defined as passing from one stage or state into another. This is the story of the early church in transition as recorded faithfully by Luke. First century Judaism was a combination of divinely ordained laws that covered the daily life of the Jew and man-made laws that … Read more

Acts 16

Acts 16:What Must I Do To Be Saved? As we came to the end of chapter 15- we see a disagreement between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, his young relative, Paul did not.  It caused them to split up.  Who was right and who was wrong?  Well, let … Read more

Acts 15

Acts 15:The Yoke In this chapter we see trouble in the early church, internal trouble of a theological nature. Antioch has become the headquarters for the Gentile-Christian movement. So it is there a group of men, probably converted Pharisees came to teach these new Gentile converts. Here is where the trouble starts  and it is … Read more

Acts 14

Acts 14: Let’s Go Fishing! Throughout my career, I have been an observer of successful people. I look at what they do and how they do it.  In doing so, I am able to tell others of the principles and best practices they utilize. I find their genius is not so much in their intellect … Read more

Acts 17 -23

Acts 17: Turning the World Upside Down When Adam and Eve sinned, the world that God had created in perfection became trapped in the dark world of sin. It   came under the power of the enemy. In fact John writes in I John 5, ‘ the whole world is under the control of the evil … Read more

2 Peter 3

As we close this study of Peter’s 2nd and last epistle, we will see his emphasis on knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   In Hosea 4: 6, we read:  “ My people perish for a lack of knowledge.”  Yet Peter has just told us –‘God is not willing that any should perish, but … Read more

2 Peter 1

2 Peter: The Math of Salvation Peter knew what it was to disappoint the Lord having denied he knew him three times on the night of his arrest.  In John 21, the resurrected Lord reinstates Peter with the instructions to feed his sheep.  In these two letters of Peter, we see him feeding the Lord’s … Read more

2 Peter 2

2 Peter: 3rd Lesson: The Eclipse Affect Peter describes his personal experience of what he had seen and heard including the experience he, James and John  had  in witnessing the Transfiguration of the Lord. It is here- Peter begins to segue into his instructions about false teaching.  He begins by talking about the sure word … Read more

Acts 1:11-5

Acts. “You will be my witnesses.” Acts 1:8 is the outline for the Book of Acts . ‘I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.’ Turn that popular oath given in the courts around and you will see the impact:  SO HELP ME GOD TO … Read more

Acts 13b

  Acts 13: Part Two-God’s Justice As we pick up the story of Barnabas and Paul on this missionary trip to Cyprus we see a pattern that will mark Paul’s ministry. “When they arrived at Salamis, they proclaimed the Word of God in the Jewish Synagogues. John( Mark) was with them also.” Acts 13:5.  Paul … Read more

Acts 10

  Acts 10:The Good News of Peace Through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of ALL! Now as Peter is wondering about this strange vision, the men sent by Cornelius arrive at Simon the Tanner’s house looking for Peter. At the same time, the Spirit said to him: “ Simon, three men are looking for you. … Read more

Acts 13

  Acts 13: How Can We Know the Way? In Acts 13 we will read of the missionary call of Barnabas and Saul; Saul will be referred to as Paul from now on; and later on we will read the first recorded sermon the Apostle Paul preaches. As we have been reading this story of … Read more

Acts 12

  Acts 12: The Powers to Be Now as we come to the close of chapter 11, Luke tells us the Lord’s hand is on the believers as they spread the Gospel  in Antioch and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord. As a result, the church in Jerusalem sends Barnabas … Read more


Acts 1: 12-2:13 We are now about to read the account of the birth of the church. A phenomenon began over 2000 years ago that still continues in the 21st century. The church has been described by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians as two major figures.  One is a building; the other is … Read more

Acts 11

  Acts 11: ‘The Man in the Mirror’ When Peter returns from Joppa and Caesarea to Jerusalem, word of what Peter had done had already reached the Jewish believers referred to as ‘the circumcised’. They called  Peter on the carpet and immediately attacked Peter for entering the house of uncircumcised men and eating with them.  … Read more

2 Peter 2nd Lesson

2 Peter 2nd Lesson: Take Time to Be Holy Peter  tells us in verses 2 Peter 1:8-11:  “ If you possess these qualities ( listed in verses 5-7) in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  But if anyone does not have them, he … Read more

I Peter 1

I Peter: The Test of Faith Peter’s letters to the believers in the five provinces in the Roman Empire are a timely message for us today in the 21st century. The letter is to Christians in that area to encourage and equip the readers for difficult times ahead.  Surely this is a relevant message for … Read more

I Peter 5

I Peter 5: Stand Fast! One of my personal verses is I Corinthians 10: 13 which states:  “ No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will provide a way so … Read more

I Peter 2b

I Peter 2: The Living Stones I  like the image as we put these verses together moving from verses 2-3 to the next section where we are described as the living stones and a chosen people, a royal priesthood. Peter says:  “ As you come to Him…” to start this section with these descriptions of … Read more

I Peter 2

I Peter 2: There Are No Shortcuts Peter continues in his letter to instruct us in what our duties are and what our responsibilities entail as Christians.  He has told us we are to be ‘holy as God is holy.’ He told us to prepare our minds for action and be self-controlled.  Sanctification is the … Read more

I Peter 3

I Peter 3: Lost in Space Peter continues in his instructions as how we are to live as Christians in this third chapter where he begins his instructions regarding submission on the part of  a wife in a marriage to an unbeliever.  He starts out : “ Wives , in the same way,…”  which is … Read more

I Peter 1b

I Peter 1:  It’s About a Simple Message. Peter speaks of God’s design to test our faith that it might be refined by fire as gold. The comparison to gold  is interesting. Gold  is and was the most durable and valuable of precious metals and at one time was the standard for our monetary system.  … Read more